We supply three types of Solar Thermal panel; Evacuated Tube, Flat Plate and Curtained which are all designed to harness the suns energy and generate heat for hot water and heating. All of our thermal panels are Solar Keymarked so that they are eligible for the Renewable Heat Incentive if installed and commissioned by an MCS accredited installer.
The Evacuated Tube panel is made up of a series of pyrex glass vacuum tubes with a one-way special coating that absorbs the solar radiation that is transferred to the heat pipes. These systems are 93% efficient and are effective all year round.
A Flat Plate solar thermal panel works in a similar way except the heat absorbing material is laid out on a flat surface with the heat transfer pipe sandwiched behind a glass panel.
A Curtained panel is an Evacuated Tube panel contained within a strengthened glass-fronted box that has a motorised curtain between the tubes and the glass panel. The boxing in helps prevent further heat loss, and the curtain can be used to regulate the temperature by automated controls or to shut the solar thermal panel off from the sun, useful for when you go on holiday or carrying out maintenance. Also very useful for schools that shut down for the summer holidays just when there is plenty of sun!