We can supply you with the means to generate electricity whether your connected to the national grid or need power because you have no grid connection, we can design and supply you with a battery based system using PV, wind and a back up generator to keep the power on. Our wide range of Photovoltaic panels and Micro wind turbines is top of the range, please contact us if you can't find what your looking for or for more complex projects as we can provide a design service and quote to meet your specific needs and have access to many more products not displyed in our shop.
Our Off-grid kits are designed to make choosing your system a more straight-forward process whether you live on a boat, in a camper van or a house with no mains connection. Size is not an issue. If you need to power a commercial building or just need a portable power supply for camping or fishing. We can design and build/install it. Our solar pv and combination off-grid kits use quality components and encompass a wide variety of applications.
Wind turbines for homes in remote and exposed locations are an ideal way to potentially provide electricity 24 hours a day as part of an off-grid installation. 40% of Europe’s wind crosses the UK, harnessing this energy with a wind turbine requires the right location, system design and equipment which we can provide at Remotepower.
A wind turbine can be combined with other off-grid technologies such as Solar PV and Hydro to make a more continuous and reliable supply. A domestic wind turbine, with the right controller, can be used for direct heating as an excellent way to heat the home as wind generally accompanies inclement weather.
The Leading Edge wind turbine is an efficient, quiet and durable design originally built to generate electricity in harsh environments making this model suitable for domestic, marine, commercial and industrial use. Leading Edge design and manufacture in the UK.
In a typical domestic off grid installation, the Leading Edge turbine will be mounted either on a tower or in a suitably exposed location and would be connected to batteries through a Run/Stop switch that both provides a safety brake and isolates it from the electrical circuit when required. The wind turbine is connected to a diversion load controller to regulate the power and once the batteries are full the excess is sent to a dump load.